Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Making Memories

My first Blog post!

I've decided to start keeping a blog as a way for myself, my husband and our boys to look back on all the memories we have shared together over the years.
Time really does go so fast, as clichéd as that sounds. The time between when my first son was born 5 years ago and now really does seem like yesterday. Yet so much has changed within that time. We have moved house, got married, sadly lost loved ones and welcomed the arrival of our second son.
Here we are in 2017, as a family of 4.
I believe that family is the most important thing in life. Its where you draw inspiration and happiness from and where you fall back on for support through those difficult times.
I've always loved to sit and look back through family photo albums with my parents and siblings, laughing at all those silly moments and recalling old memories of our childhood.
It's something that's lost in todays modern world.
As much as I try to print off photos for my own children to look back on, many of their photos are held on memory sticks. It would be nice to have all those memories in one place, and to be honest it is a nightmare storing boxes of photo albums :) and to look back on our thoughts at the time.
It's important to look forward in life, but sometimes we need to stop and have a think of all those simple things that have made us smile, and cry, as they have made us the people we are today.
I thank my family for always being there and know I love you all so much.
Linsey xx

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